Bach presenting the backstory of his St Matthew's Passion
Hello there, I'm Bach, and I'm about to share the intriguing backstory of one of my most profound works, St Matthew's Passion. Are you curious about the events and inspirations that gave life to this monumental piece? Fear not, for I am here to guide you through the fascinating history of St Matthew's Passion. After sharing this backstory, I'll also offer you some ways to delve even deeper into its rich musical tapestry.

The Gossip on the Gospel Groove

So, picture this: I'm chilling in Leipzig, right, and I get this wild idea to drop a musical bomb for Good Friday. I decide to take the Gospel of Matthew – yeah, the one from the Bible – and set it to music that's more dramatic than my wife's reaction when I forget to take out the trash. It's like, let's take this ancient story and make it a blockbuster, with all the feels and chills, and call it 'St Matthew's Passion'.

The Divine Mixtape

Now, let's talk movements, and I don't mean the kind after a big meal. Movements are like tracks on a mixtape, each one with its own vibe, telling part of the story. We've got recitatives, where the singers are basically narrating the story like they're gossiping; arias that are like soliloquies of emotion; chorales, which are the singalong parts; and big, epic choruses that hit you like a wall of sound.

The Choirs: Double the Trouble

I wasn't playing around when I set this up – I went full-on extra and used two choirs. Imagine two groups of singers, sometimes having a sing-off, sometimes harmonizing like a group of angels who've had a bit too much communion wine. It's like surround sound in the 18th century – you're getting the full stereo experience, baby!

The Orchestra: Not Just a Fiddling Affair

And don't even get me started on the orchestra – it's like a baroque beast. I've got strings, woodwinds, and even some exotic instruments like the viola da gamba, which is like the lovechild of a cello and a guitar. They're not just there for background music; they're telling the story too, painting pictures with notes.

The Star Soloists: Divas and Drama

The soloists are the real MVPs, pouring out their souls in arias that'll make you weep like you just chopped a bag of onions. They're like the lead actors in a play, except they can hit notes that'll shatter your wine glasses – in a good way. And let's not forget the Evangelist, our narrator, who's basically the Morgan Freeman of the whole operation.

The Length: A Musical Marathon

Now, I gotta warn you, this piece is long – like, 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy long. It's a marathon, not a sprint, so you better get comfy and maybe bring a snack. But trust me, it's worth every minute, like binge-watching your favorite show with no commercial breaks.

The Libretto: Holy Lyrics, Batman!

The words, or the libretto, are straight out of the good book, but with some poetic license to keep it fresh. It's like taking Shakespeare and adding some rhymes to make it stick in your head. And it's in German, because, you know, that's how I roll – but it's got the kind of drama that transcends language barriers.

The Impact: More Than Just a Tune

When I first dropped this track in 1727, it was like dropping a new iPhone – people couldn't get enough. It's not just music; it's a spiritual journey, an emotional rollercoaster that'll leave you feeling like you've just been to therapy. It's got the power to make the toughest bloke tear up and the most tone-deaf person want to sing along.

The Revival: Bach is Back, Baby!

Funny thing is, after I was done, 'St Matthew's Passion' kind of went into hibernation for a bit. But then, my man Felix Mendelssohn comes along in the 19th century and revives it like it's a classic car – and suddenly, Bach is back, baby! It's like finding an old mixtape in your attic and realizing it's still a banger.

The Legacy: Bach's Musical Fingerprint

So, there you have it, my 'St Matthew's Passion' in a nutshell – it's like my musical fingerprint, unique and unmistakable. It's been around for almost 300 years, and it's still slapping harder than a wet noodle in a windstorm. If you ever get the chance to hear it live, grab it like it's the last slice of pizza at a party – you won't regret it.
Did you enjoy diving into the rich and moving history behind my St Matthew's Passion? Believe it or not, there are still more layers and nuances to this masterpiece that await your discovery. Feel free to click on the links below to continue your journey through the depths of St Matthew's Passion.